Narrow Spectrum Bandwidth Ultrafast Fiber Laser - Active Mode-locking
The C-band and 1 µm narrow spectrum bandwidth ultrafast fiber laser ( PSLNB ) is an actively mode-locked fiber laser with spectral bandwidth of 0.05 nm. The PSLNB series operates from 100 MHz to 2 GHz, selectable in a compact and robust package that delivers stable and reliable laser performance for a variety of applications. The pulse width can be tuned from 80 to 100 ps with transform-limited pulse shape and a better than -20 dB pedestal. The timing jitter is as low as 75 fs and the side mode suppression is larger than 75 dB. A 780 nm band option is also available.
Narrow Spectrum Bandwidth Ultrafast Fiber Laser - Passive Mode-locking
The C-band and 1 µm narrow spectrum bandwidth ultrafast fiber laser ( FPLNB ) is a passively mode-locked fiber laser that utilizes a saturable absorber to deliver a narrow spectral bandwidth of less than 0.1nm. The FPLNB laser has excellent stability and reliability with turnkey operation. The wavelength is factory selectable throughout C-band or 1 µm band. The pulse width can be up to 100ps with near transform-limited pulse shape and a better than -20 dB pedestal. The timing jitter is as low as 100 fs. The repetition rate can be specified from 10 to 100 MHz with either a polarization-maintaining (PM) or non-PM fiber output. With up to 5 mW output power, the FPLNB series is an ideal narrow bandwidth source for seeding applications. An RF synchronization output is provided as a trigger signal. A 780 nm band option is also available.
Bit Rate Multiplier
The Bit Rate Multiplier ( BRM ) is a passive device to increase the repetition rate of an input optical clock by 2, 4, 8, and 16 times. It splits the input pulse into two identical images, and sends them to a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. One leg of the interferometer has variable pulse delay and amplitude equalization, while the other leg has fixed bit pattern delay. Bit pattern delay ensures that the output is a pseudo-random bit sequence (PRBS) when the input signal is PRBS. After recombination, the repetition rate is twice the input rate. By cascading up to four stages, the bit rate can be multiplied 16 fold. In conjunction with Calmar's picosecond fiber lasers, pulse streams of 20, 40, 50, 80, 100, 160, 200, 320GHz and beyond can be generated. With its all PM configuration, neither a pre- nor post- multiplication polarization controller is needed. As a result, all channels get the same linear polarization status automatically. The proprietary design of precise attenuation compensation enables amplitude equalization for all channels. A tunable optical delay of greater than 200 ps provides end users a very wide range of input bit rates. The BRM is very easy to operate with laser sources from different vendors and the output after multiplication is very stable. The optional temperature controller further enhances the output stability for different environmental conditions.
Pulse Compressor
The pulse compressor ( PCS ) consists of a fiber amplifier unit and a pulse compressor unit. It has excellent stability and reliability with turnkey operation. Along with a portable design, our advanced simulation software enables us to design the PCS according to the end user's laser specification. The pulse width can be compressed from 3 ps to 300 fs with a minimal pedestal. The compressed pulse is near transform-limited of near soliton-like shape. An average output greater than 100 mW is achieved with the built-in amplifier. The PCS can also be used as a standalone Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) when pulse compression is not required.
Electrical Pulse Generator
The ultrafast electrical pulse generator ( EPG ) series is an electrical pulse generator with up to 5 GHz repetition rate. The EPG series offers excellent stability and reliability with turnkey operation. Along with a portable design, the EPG series offers user-friendly front panel control knobs for flexible adjustment of pulse width and output power. The pulse width is tunable from 60 to 200 ps and the timing jitter is as low as 2 ps. The EPG offers high pulse amplitude, up to 7V peak to peak, and is triggered by either a sinusoidal wave or random impulse. The EPG is a perfect electronic pulse source for low jitter gain switching of laser diodes.
Product Rep Rate Bandwidth Pulse width Output Power
Product |
Rep Rate |
Bandwidth |
Pulsewidth |
Output power |
100 MHz ~ 2 GHz |
0.05 nm |
80 ~ 100 ps |
5 mW |
10 ~ 100 MHz |
< 0.15 nm |
15 ~ 100 ps |
5 mW |
Up to 320 GHz |
0.8 ~ 15 ps |
-5 dB/double |
5 GHZ ~ 45 GHz |
In: 1.5 ~ 3 ps
Output: 0.3 ps |
100 mW |
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