Presse :
- Les platines PIEZOCONCEPT désormais vendues par OPTOPHASE
Our expertise in ultra stable closed-loop nanopositioners has made our company the leading provider to customers that depend on high-speed and high-resolution performance. Our flexure stages combined with our ultra low-noise semiconductor piezoresistive sensor provide the highest level of nanomotion control.
Our product line covers the entire spectrum of nanopositioning, with single axis, multi-axis and tip-tilt stages for numerous applications : Super Resolution Microscopy, PALM, STORM, AFM, NSOM, scanning probe microscopy upgrade, ultra High Vacuum use, micro/nanopositioning systems, high speed confocal imaging, high resolution optical alignment, single molecule spectroscopy, particle tracking, optical tweezers, nanoscopy and nanolithography.
For new request and service on discontinued products, please refer to our daughter company PIEZOCONCEPT:

- ASI expands its dealership network (ASI)
Applied Scientific Instrumentation Inc. (ASI) expands its dealership network in Europe to include Micrasys located in Herborn, Germany & Optophase in Lyon, France.
Frank Probig, of Micrasys brings over ten years of micro-positioning and microscopy experience to the sale and support of ASI's products. Samuel Choblet from Optophase, also has decades of experience in sub micron motion control and microscopy. The addition of these two fine companies compliments ASI's existing dealers in Europe and further expands ASI's sales and support network.
With over 20 years of business experience in supporting cutting edge research ASI takes great pride in offering superior support, and these companies will allow us to do this on a local level.
- CRIFF continuous reflective interface focus feedback system (ASI)
CRIFF substantially eliminates focus drift in high power microscopy by sensing minute changes between the objective lens and the specimen's cover slip, and then providing a feedback signal to any of ASI's focus controllers. The CRIFF system provides high-level focus stability allowing a specimen to remain accurately focused for hours at a time with less than 50 nanometers drift. The CRIFF module fits on the camera port of most microscopes
- Flap-top and extended travel stages (ASI)
ASI offers an assortment of stages with flat tops and extended range-of-travel. The MS-2500 stage provides 100 mm of Y-axis travel and 250 mm of X-axis travel. Custom OEM configurations are available including front-loading stages with over 300 mm of Y-axis travel. Compact table-top and OEM board-level controllers accept industry standard commands, provide automatic backlash correction, RS-232 and USB communication.
- Ultra precise automated XY stage for scanning 8 slides (ASI)
ASI's MS-9400 XY offers a travel range of 225 x 100 mm (9" x 4") to allow it to scan eight 25 x 75 mm slides. All axes derive their precise control through the use of closed-loop DC servomotors employing high-resolution encoders for positioning feedback. The stage provides 100 nm resolution with repeatability accuracy of less than 700 nm rms.
- Rapid Automated Modular Microscope : RAMM system (ASI)
The RAMM system's modular design allows a custom system to be easily developed. The microscope is configurable with infinity-corrected optics, dichroic filter cubes, multi-wavelength excitation and emission filterwheels, and detectors including cameras and photomultipliers. A wide range of automated features can also be added; these include: high-speed XY stages, precision piezo & motorized Z focusing, auto-focus, and a robotic specimen loader. The system provides a solid platform for high throughput screening, genetic sequencing, experimental research, and much more. It has been designed for flexible cost-effective OEM development using high quality high MTBF components to reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction.
The RAMM system's modular design allows a custom system to be easily developed. The microscope is configurable with infinity-corrected optics, filter cubes, filterwheels, and detectors. A wide range of automated features can also be added including: high-speed XY stages, piezo & motorized Z focusing, auto-focus, and a robotic specimen loader. The system provides a solid platform experimental research, and has been designed for flexible cost-effective OEM development using high quality high MTBF components to reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction.
The RAMM system's modular design allows a custom system to be easily developed. The microscope is configurable with infinity-corrected optics, filter cubes, filterwheels, and detectors. Automated features include high-speed XY stages, piezo & motorized focusing, auto-focus, and a robotic specimen loader. The system provides a solid platform, and has been designed for flexible cost-effective OEM development using high quality high MTBF components to reduce cost and increase customer satisfaction.
- Sub-micron motion control (ASI)
Applied Scientific Instrumentation (ASI) manufactures top-of-the-line products for sub-micron motion control and microscope automation including closed-loop DC servo motor XY stages, piezo-Z stages, motorized Z drives, wellplate robots, video and laser-based focusing systems, video microscopes, high-speed filterwheels, shuttering devices, microinjectors and micromanipulators, plus a wide range of other devices. ASI also specializes in OEM components, custom projects, and complete system solutions.
- X-Cite XR2100 and XP750: measuring illuminating power where it truly matters (LDGI)
The new XR2100 and XP750 allow researchers to measure the optical power at the specimen level, enabling consistent and repeatable illumination throughout their experiments.
With its sleek low profile, designed specifically to fit on the microscope stage, the XP750 offers the versatility of measuring output from an X-Cite illuminator or any other epi-fluorescence light source, including HBO/mercury, metal halide or xenon lamps, lasers and Light Emitting Diodes. The XP750 performs effectively with a wide range of applications and microscope configurations with power sensitivity at levels from 5µW to 500mW at wavelengths between 320nm and 750nm.
Featuring a control keypad interface, the XR2100 allows power measurements to easily be stored to the unit itself or downloaded directly into exportable data files via a computer. By offering a convenient way to manage settings and data from a desktop, researchers can maintain exportable data files together with imaging data to provide complete experiment records that facilitate compliance with Good Laboratory Practices.
- EXFO's life sciences and industrial division introduces quietest X-cite products ever (LDGI)
X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q offer the same revolutionary advantages as previous models but with much quieter operation
The X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q have been equipped with a newly-designed cooling system, resulting in a reduction of acoustic noise, while maintaining optimal cooling conditions for both lamp performance and safety. The new X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q are 65% quieter than the original X-Cite, providing researchers with a significantly more comfortable working environment. This enhanced product is being offered with no price increase.
Available today, the X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q replace the X-Cite 120XL models, which have been discontinued. Orders currently placed for the X-Cite 120XL systems will be automatically upgraded to the appropriate X-Cite 120Q. Offering all the convenience and control of the original X-Cite, the X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q include easy-to-install, pre-aligned lamps, guaranteed 2000-hour lamp life, superior microscope coupling adaptors for exceptional illumination uniformity, and EXFO's patented Intelli-Lamp Technology. The X-Cite 120Q and 120PC Q have the same uniform and intense optical performance as the previous models, and arecompatible with all major microscope brands.
- Lumen Dynamics announces the new X-Cite 200DC offering the ultimate combination of optical performance, stability and speed (LDGI)
The X-Cite 200DC brings together the most valued X-Cite features and delivers them in one single system. Designed with a 200-watt DC lamp, the X-Cite 200DC provides outstanding stability from short to long term with a high speed internal shutter for optimum image quality.
The new X-Cite 200DC is designed for imaging applications that require stability on the millisecond timescale and high speed shuttering via TTL. Enhancements unique to X-Cite 200DC include improved spectral output at wavelengths up to 800nm and 0-100% intensity control with ultra-smooth, detent-free motion providing 0.1% resolution, giving researchers more flexibility than ever before. With its light guide auto-detection safety feature, operators obtain immediate confirmation of a complete optical/mechanical connection that will ensure the
X-Cite 200DC is running at its peak performance, maximizing both component lifetime and light delivery to the microscope.
With the addition of the new 200DC, X-Cite brings more choice, innovation, flexibility and maximum value to researchers around the world with the finest, most extensive lamp-based product portfolio for microscopy illumination. Researchers can select from a wide range of X-Cite light sources to best suit their specific applications and get the most out of their research while enjoying the convenience of an X-Cite with easy installation and pre-aligned long-life Intelli-Lamps, as well as a 2000 hour warranty.