Métrologie optique

Micro & Nanopositionnement

Produits de microscopie

English version

Enspectr L405

EnSpectr L405 utilizes a 30 µm entrance slit, 1200 g/mm grating, and set of high pass, low pass, and dichroic filters. The luminescence is exited with a 150 mW semiconductor laser at 405 nm to provide single shot luminescence spectrum in the spectral range from 450nm to 770nm.

EnSpectr L405 comes with a low-noise 3648-element linear-array CCD detector operating at room temperature and a state of the art system for suppressing the Rayleigh scattering signal and the straight laser light. EnSpectr L405 has an onboard programmable microcontroller that provides flexibility in controlling the spectrometer and accessories.


  • Highest resolution
  • Superior sensitivity



  • Gemology
  • Chemical Processes
  • Medicine analysis
  • Fuel quality control
  • Food and beverage control



Lasers Spectrometer
Laser Wavelength 405 nm
Output Laser Power 10-15 mW
Luminescent Spectral Range


Spectral Resolution 0.45-0.6 nm
Reduction of 405nm light 80 dB
Spectral resolution
with 30 µm wide slit
7 - 22 cm -1
Detector Optical Bench
Detector Type Toshiba TCD1304DG linear       CCD array
Pixel Number 3648
Pixel Size 8µm x 200µm
Dark current 630 e/pixel/s
Readout noise 30 e rms
Dynamic Range 2100
Integration Time 10ms - 500000ms
Focal length 60 mm
Entrance aperture 30 µm wide slit
Grating 1200 g/mm
holographic grating
Electronics Physical
Computer Interface USB 2.0, Bluetooth
Power Input 100 - 240VAC, 50 - 60Hz
System requirements Windows XP/Vista/7
Dimensions 230mm x 146mm x 55mm
Weight 1500 g



Additional information

Enspectr L405 PDF


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