Métrologie optique

Micro & Nanopositionnement

Produits de microscopie

English version

Enspectr L730

The EnSpectr L730 Luminescence Spectrometer and Analyzer is designed to address the high demand in a powerful and portable luminescence analyzer specifically tuned to control the optical characteristics of semiconductor heterostructures.

The optical elements of EnSpectr L730 Luminescence Spectrometer & Analyzer are tightly build-in to provide the highest possible resolution at the spectral range of GaAs and AlGaA luminescence. It takes a second to obtain luminescence spectrum of low dimensional heterostructures such as heterojunction, quantum well, superlattice and quantum lasing structure grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxis or Chemical Vapor Deposition techniques.

The luminescence measurements are highly informative and could be used in complex transport studies. The EnSpectr L730 is capable to deliver the precise quantitative measurements of quality, electron density, and distribution of electrons through a multilayer structure, type and amount of impurity within the seconds.

The EnSpectr L730 Luminescence Spectrometer is an ideal choice for complex scientific studies in the field of magnetoluminescence and electroluminescence. In fact EnSpectr L730 could address a wide range of scientific issues and easily substitute heavy and expensive equipment for luminescence measurements.

The SMA input provide with an easy connectivity to a fiber allowing low temperature luminescence measurements in a cryogenic surrounding. The experimental data are accessed via an intuitive user interface and could be obtained remotely through Bluetooth or USB.


  • Highest resolution
  • Superior sensitivity
  • GaAs and AlGaA luminescence spectrum measurements
  • Low temperature luminescence measurements
  • A broad range of measurable characteristics



  • Semiconductor Industry
  • Magnetoluminescence scientific research
  • Electroluminescence scientific research



Lasers Spectrometer
Laser Wavelength 730nm
Laser Power 10 mW
Luminescent Spectral Range 775-870 nm
Spectral Resolution (slit 30 µm) 0.17 nm
Spectral Resolution (slit 20 µm) 0.12 nm
Detector Optical Bench
Detector Type Linear CCD array
Pixel Number 3648
Pixel Size 8µm x 200µm
Dark current 630 e/pixel/s
Readout noise 30 e rms
Dynamic Range 2100
Integration Time 10ms - 500000ms
Focal length 75 mm
Entrance aperture

30 (20 optional) µm wide slit

Grating 1800 g/mm
holographic grating
Electronics Physical
Computer Interface USB 2.0
Power Input 100 - 240VAC, 50 - 60Hz
System requirements Windows XP/Vista/7
Dimensions 265mm x 165mm
x 65mm
Weight 1500 g



Additional information

Enspectr L730 PDF


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