Our expertise in ultra stable closed-loop nanopositioners has made our company the leading provider to customers that depend on high-speed and high-resolution performance. Our flexure stages combined with our ultra low-noise semiconductor piezoresistive sensor provide the highest level of nanomotion control.
Our product line covers the entire spectrum of nanopositioning, with single axis, multi-axis and tip-tilt stages for numerous applications : Super Resolution Microscopy, PALM, STORM, AFM, NSOM, scanning probe microscopy upgrade, ultra High Vacuum use, micro/nanopositioning systems, high speed confocal imaging, high resolution optical alignment, single molecule spectroscopy, particle tracking, optical tweezers, nanoscopy and nanolithography.
For new request and service on discontinued products, please refer to our daughter company PIEZOCONCEPT:

for microscope objective
XY/XYZ piezostage
Microscopy products
PZ-2000 automated stages with piezo Z-axis top plate
RAMM: Rapid Automated Modular Microscope
CRIFF: Continuous Reflective Interface Feedback Focus system
Thermo plate: Clear Glass Heating Stage
Optical tables |
Laser alignment system
Portable Laser Alignment System
Optical metrology
Bench measuring length, radius of curvature |
Bench Measurement FTM |
Autocollimator, Telescope, Refractor alignment |
Instantaneous Fizeau Interferometer |
Ellipsometer |
Infrared Interferometer |
Laser metrology
Alignment laser |
Laser Beam Analyzer |
Powermeter |
Materials Science
Bench measuring surface tension |
Diamond scriber: An instrument for cutting wafers |
Ellipsometer |
Precision optics
Lenses, microlenses, plans and parabolic mirrors, separators, notch filters, prisms, nonlinear crystals, polarizers
Thermographic camera
Lasers & sources
X-ray and gamma ray detectors
PSD signal processing system
Luminescence spectrometer and analyser